Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Foodie Facts

I consider myself to be a foodie but not a food snob.  I just love food; eating it, making it and watching it on TV.  It doesn’t matter to me if a food is trendy or fashionable as long as it is good.

I don’t like lobster, hate caviar and have never tried foie gras.  I am not a big eater of mushrooms, so can’t really imagine paying a whole bunch of money for truffles.  I don’t understand why people seem to think I should try to learn to like expensive foods that don’t appeal to me when no one would ever suggest that I should learn to like doggie doo.  I consider those people to be food snobs.  I don’t care if loving macaroni and cheese is not as sophisticated as enjoying mangling a giant sea bug and sucking its flesh from its cracked red claws.

I do like to try new things.  When I was in culinary school, I got to try a lot of foods that were new to me.  One of the dining areas that we ate in was responsible for teaching the cooking students regional American cuisine.  This included everything from fried chicken to frog’s legs.  Of course, the frog’s legs tasted like chicken.  I was able to discover that I liked rare tuna steak but not trout with the head still on.  I can safely say that I like most of my food without eyes, except potatoes.

I seem to spend a lot of time watching food being made on TV.  I particularly like to watch cake competitions but also enjoy watching cooking competitions like Top Chef.  I am a big fan of travel/food shows and don’t shy away from watching people eating strange foods that I will never experience.  I often find myself watching these shows while I ride the exercise bike and wonder if that is just wrong. 

Whatever I do, food is a part of my life and I fantasize that I will find my fame in food.

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